Wednesday, May 27, 2015

AOIT Art Final Exam: Part 3

2) If given the opportunity I would do this art piece over. I chose this piece because it is sloppy and after all the practice I have gotten from this class I could do much better. I also would change this piece to make something that is more realistic and has more of a them to the picture.

AOIT Art Final Exam: Part 3

 1. My most successful art piece was this one: Ratman. This artwork shows that "i create original artwork" and that i "developed art making skill". I show both of these because the rat is my idea and is very original and creative. At the beginning of this class i had no clue how to use Photoshop and would never know how to create this.

AOIT Art Final Exam: Part 2

1) Critique personal art: We collaborate
Did you ask another student for feedback during your work process? When other students came to visit us we asked them if they could tell what we were creating and if it was good. We also collaborated with each-other and decided who would do what role, what colors each part should be, what picture we wanted to use, and how we wanted to create the final image.

2) Did someone help you understand important information or inspire you?
Yes, I was inspired to do this picture because Emily liked this photo and said it would be easier then the coke bottle. Also this picture looked really good and the whipped cream looked yummy.

AOIT Art Final Exam: Part 1

 a) The first piece is a Art piece of Morgan Freeman and I am going to explain how we used technology to help us. We got a picture of Morgan Freeman online and then with the computer we created a grid and a mosaic on Photoshop. Once we made the grid we changed the colors to match ones that are colors of sticky notes. Then we printed it out and it used it to create a bigger version with sticky notes. Without the technology this piece would be much harder to complete and would not look as accurate as it did with the help from technology.

b) This is a picture that is created on technology and I am going to explain how art helped me create this. First of all we had to walk around the school to find a good place to take the picture. Then we took a picture frame and figured out where we wanted to to place it to create what we wanted to on the computer. Once we took the picture we put it on the computer I cropped away the background to get the image of the lacrosse field into the picture. Then i adjusted the image to make it look as real as possible.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015


I created a monster out of clay based on a the original drawing created by a 1st grader. After it was baked I painted it too look like the drawing and created a box  and a label to make it look like it was a toy that came out of a package.

Sidewalk art

Out on the parking lot by the trailer, my group drew a starbucks coffee cup. We used paint and washable paint to create the illusion that the cup was standing up. We created a grid to go off of to make the cup as accurate as it could be.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Post it note Picture

This is a picture of our final product. It is a picture of morgan freeman made out of post it notes.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Art Questions?

1. What is the difference between anime and manga?  Anime is "animation" when written as a loanword in Japanese, and they are animated cartoon videos. These air on television or are released to home video. Manga is "whimsical drawings" or Japanese comics.They are typically black and white while Anime is colored.

2. What is the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book? Comic books are normally short  and the story unfolds over months or sometimes years. Graphic novels tend to be longer works, and tell as single story from beginning to end.

3. How are panels designed and layed out in comic books, newspapers, and graphic novels? They all normally have a single frame with multiple panels, in Newspapers the panel is the story and is often a single panel comic.

Recent Comic

This is the progress i have on my recent comic.

Cartoon Bones


This is the link to my Pinterest.


This is my second creation using photoshop.


Angry Pancakes

This is my first creation using photoshop.
